Alitas January 2022 Monthly Report

1 min readFeb 11, 2022


Alitas January Monthly Report 2022

Tech Process:

  1. GameFi SDK development in progress, architecture design completed, the overall progress of 20%.
  2. 2. Optimize the communication mode between nodes to enhance the availability of the service when the transaction volume is high
  3. 3. Continue to optimize the command line module interaction logic to improve user experience

4. Fix some potential problems caused by transaction tipping

5. Optimize the link index in hashgraph to improve data reading performance

6. Tangle compatibility improvement, enhance the stability of the system when upgrading

Community Process:

1. Smartereum released the 2022 roadmap of Alitas

2. Conducted the Guess the price & win contest

3. Launched the Super DAG Public Chain, deploying Blockchain 3.0 in advance

4. Cryptopress mentions Alitas achieve 2021 goals and is releasing roadmap 2022

5. Conducted the predit the price & win giveaway contest

6. Conducted the Twitter Quiz contest & Telegram Shilling contest

7. Conducted the Telegram Quiz contest & Twitter Weekly contest(Add ALT as a fav coin in CMC & CG

8. Held 7 AMA events, expanding Alitas exposure and the community continues to grow in size




Written by Alitas

Alitas is the underlying infrastructure of a new generation of value networks Contract address on #BSC: 0x5Ca09af27b8a4F1D636380909087536BC7e2D94D

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